Leaderboard update, PUSH wod 5!

Hello all,
As you may have noticed, we're re-doing our in - gym leaderboards. We'll be introducing some new categories to the mix and starting fresh will be a great representation of our current group of members at the gym! It should also light a fire under you to try and get your name up in as many categories as possible.
We'll have spots for women, men, and masters women and masters men (40+ for both of those categories).
To decide on most of the categories, the coaches threw in some ideas for some new challenges. We've come up with a pretty good list for 8 of the 12 categories, which is as follows:
- 1rm snatch
- 1 rm clean and jerk
- CrossFit Total (combined 1rm of Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift)
- 1 min assault bike for max calories
- Fran (21-15-9 of thrusters 65/95 and pullups)
- Jackie (1k row, 50 thrusters @ 45lb, 30 pullups)
- Partner Nurwor (4 rounds: 500m row, 400m run)
- DT (5 rounds: 12 deadlifts @105/155, 9 hang power cleands, 6 shoulder to overhead)
So that leaves FOUR categories remaining - which is where you - the members - come in!
So with that in mind, we're going to have a vote for the remaining leaderboard spots.
By clicking on the link below, you can submit your choices from the list of options. The options with the most votes will go up on the board!
One entry per person please, and get your votes in by Tuesday at 9pm!
Thanks and we're all excited to work on getting some great scores up on these new categories.
WARM UP: 5 min dowel game (coaches choice of fitness reward)
then: 3 rounds of - 10 walking lunges, 8 db push press per arm, 6
WOD: Partner Fran-ish
What better way to end off our partner push week than with an absolutely iconic crossfit wod? Fran is a toughie, but this time around, you'll have your buddy right beside you, trading off whenever you like!
Remember to stick with the scaling level you chose on Tuesday as long as it is manageable. There is a time cap on the workout, so if you don't finish, that's okay - any unfinished reps will be added to your time.
Good luck, have fun!!
TIME CAP: 14 minutes
Rx: combined 42 thrusters (65/95), 42 pullups, 30 thrusters, 30 pullups, 18 thrusters, 18 pullups
Scaled: same reps as for Rx, 35/55lb bar, jumping pullups (if you want to scale harder, you can!)
CP: 24 thrusters (95/135), 42 ctb, 18 thrusters, 30 ctb, 12 thrusters, 18 ctb.