August 10 & 11th Fitness Weekend!

Hey all!
In a couple of weeks' time, we have two fitness options for you to take on outside of our regular classes! Summer is a great time to get outside and use all that fitness you've earned in the gym :)
On Saturday August 10th Coach Phil is hosting our BEACH WOD at Willows Beach! I'm sure there will be a fun mix of workouts and likely an option to dip in the water after. Please RSVP via the Facebook Event Page by clicking HERE. The workout is by donation, with support going to the Terry Fox foundation, so you'll be supporting an excellent cause at the same time!
On Sunday August 11th, a crew is heading over to Vancouver to take on the Grouse Grind! Spearheaded by Scott Harlow, Matt Cleaver, and Coach Cam, this will be a one - day trip (8am ferry over, 5-7 ferry back). We will carpool to get a good rate on the ferry, and you can climb the Grind at your own pace! Word on the street is that Scotty will be doing it twice (with a 30lb pack), however one time is typically enough for most people. It should be a great day of a fitness challenge with friends and some good company back on the ferry! RSVP to this Facebook event page HERE to commit to the fit.
WARMUP: 4 minute EMOM of Medball cleans and Pushups
Minute 1: 3 cleans, 6 pushups
Minute 2: 4 cleans, 8 pushups
Minute 3: 5 cleans, 10 pushups
Minute 4: 6 cleans, 12 pushups
SKILL: Deadlift Wave Load
5, 3, 1, 5, 3, 1 reps, going E2M
Wave loading means that the first sets of 5, 3, and 1 rep will be moderate effort and followed by a harder wave of 5, 3 and 1.
Approximate % for the first series: ~65-70% for 5, ~80% for 3, and ~90% for 1
From there you can see how you're feeling and decide on weights for the second round!
WOD: Kleebs
AMRAP 12 minutes: 6/arm DB hang clean and oh (35/50), 6/leg DB front rack reverse lunge, 6 ttb.
FG: scale db weight to 20/35, 12 hanging knee raises.
TG: Scale DB as needed, double crunch 12 reps/round
CP1: 6/arm KB snatch @ 35/53, 6/leg axle bar reverse lunge (50/70), 12 ttb.
CP2: 6/arm KB snatch @ 44/70, 6/leg OH axle bar reverse lunge (70/110), 12 ttb.