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Get Some Parker Power!

Hey all,

Vic City legend LUCAS PARKER is back in town for a quick visit, and wants to share some of his knowledge with us!

Lucas is a 6-time CrossFit Games competitor with a best finish of 14th. He is known for his high degree of skill, amazing coordination and adaptation to unique challenges, and of course for his incredible olympic weightlifting.

On Sunday September 22, Lucas will be running a seminar at Vic City! This seminar is well placed leading into the Open and will give you all a chance to sharpen your skills. Here's Lucas' own description of what will be covered:

"Prepare for the Open with barbell and bodyweight strategies

- how to cycle speedy snatches and flow quickly through clean & jerks - key errors/mistakes to AVOID for efficiency and injury prevention

-progression and drills for the most miserable metcon movements

Come learn my perspective on why barbell cycling is like a kipping pullup, the benefits of a 1-arm wallball, and why the burpee is really a barbell movement."

The seminar will run from 8:30am til about 10:30/11am and is being offered at a great rate of $40 to our Vic City community!

Click HERE to register and get on it quickly as space is limited!!




WOD: Team Presses and Plates!

Teams of 3, ready to crush it...

Part 1 - 12 min to a 3rm AND 7rm strict press each person.

- add each persons best 3 rep and best 7 rep together for your first score!

Part 2 - AMRAP 25 minutes!

- run 400m with 1 weight plate for your whole team (can switch carriers as needed) = 40 reps

- 60 floor to overhead with plate = 60 reps

- 150' OH lunge with plate = 30 reps = 30 reps (each 5' segment is a rep)

Reps/round: 130

Rx 35/45, FG2: 25/35, FG1: scale as needed.

CP: axle bar clean and jerk (70/90) sub for floor to overhead, axle walking lunges.

CP2: Add weight vest 14/20

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