Open 2019 - Take 2!

It's that time of year - the 2019 CrossFit Games Open (version 2) is right around the corner! 2019 is a unique year in that we're having TWO Opens in the same 12 months, something that has never happened before!
The Open in February was part of the 2019 CrossFit season, while this upcoming one is essentially the start of the 2020 competition season... a bit confusing I know!
Anyways, this is the time of year that almost 400,000 CrossFit participants worldwide test themselves against each other (and last year's self) over 5 weeks of competition.
It's quite an amazing experience to be involved with something that unites most Crossfitters around the globe. Sure, we've all shared in the agony and ecstasy of "Fran" and "Jackie" but in the Open, we all do the same wods at the very same time... and then frenetically check the leaderboards to see how our scores measure up!
The Open is just that - open - to anyone who wants to test their fitness against five unknown workouts. There are age divisions and scaled and rx options. We'll be running the workouts as our usual class wods on Fridays and Saturdays, so the Open will envelop our gym.
Just like in February, we'll be running an INTRAMURAL COMPETITION alongside the worldwide scoreboard. This will give rookies, masters, scaled, rx, and elite athletes the opportunity to compete within our gym. Teams will be made based on the regular class day/time that you attend, and more details will be released soon!
You can sign up for the Open and find more info HERE (it starts October 10!)
If you have any questions about the competition, check in with one of our coaches!!
WARM-UP: Rotating EMOM with escalating reps (12 min)
Station 1: Medball Clean: 4, 6, 8, 10
Station 2: Double unders or single unders: 10, 20, 30, 40
Station 3: Double Crunch: 8, 12, 16, 20
PRE-WOD: work up to above wod weight
This is a partner workout and you should look to share the same bar. You work in relay format - one of you goes through the whole sequence then tags the other. Pace yourselves and aim to get in about 6 rounds each!
18 minute AMRAP of:
Rx: 5 STO @ 75/115, 7 Front Squats, 9 box jumps (20/24),
FG2: 65/95
FG1: scale bar and box as needed
CP1: 95/135
CP2: 125/185