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Rach vs the WORLD!

Hey all, you've likely heard it a few times now but when one of Vic City's own does something outstanding, we shout it from the rooftops!

Coach Rachel Siemens is set to lift in the World Weightlifting Championships tomorrow (Saturday)! This means she will be competing against the absolute best athletes from around the globe in a very important year - the year before the 2020 Olympics!

Many athletes will be putting their hands up to be selected to their Olympic teams so there are sure to be some amazing lifts.

Having watched these athletes in the past (including from 20' away as a bar loader in the 2003 World Championships), I can attest to their incredible skill and strength.

Rachel lifts at 8:30am and will be contesting the snatch followed by the clean and jerk.

Follow this link - to watch her and the other amazing athletes lift.

Good luck Rachel, we're all cheering for you!

Coach Cam



WARM UP: Partner shuttle run and front plank - 1, 2, 3, 4 lengths each

WOD: Duplicity

The following wods will be in partners - be sure to communicate well and switch quickly to maximize your workout. These should be sprint efforts. You will get two wod scores and a total from these workouts!

wod 1: AMRAP 12 min

Partner 1 goes through full sequence then tags Partner 2

Rx: 8 power snatch (55/75), 8 thrusters, 8 barhop burpees

FG1: scale bar as needed

Rest 10 min

wod 2: AMRAP 12 min

Partner 1 goes through full sequence, then tags partner 2

Rx: 8/12 calorie bike, 12 wallballs (14/20)

FG2: Scale wallball weight to 10/14

FG1: Scale wallball as needed, 6/9 cals

CP1: Heavy wallball (20/25-30)

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