Monday Skill & Chipper!
Hey gang, we'll be working on either pullup or MU tech in the skill portion, so come in ready to try some drills around those movements. See the video below for ring Mu progressions that we may utilize in class!
WARMUP: 5-10-15 reps of air squat, pushup, and hanging knee raise
SKILL: Ring MU or Pullup development - kip and drill review 10-15 min (Sets of 3-5 reps of progressions)
CP: KB Snatch: 8 reps/arm E2M x 5 in the range of 26-44/35-70 but keep it smooth
WOD: Chamrap
This is a relatively short time frame for an AMRAP of this style, but it will push you to get one to one and a half rounds in. Adjust your scaling so that you can move through the workout consistently!
Here are a couple of wallball sets that might work well:
5 x 10 with a relatively quick re-set
15-15-10-10 (4 sets so less dead time with ball on floor but more demanding on your body)
Rx: 10 minute AMRAP: 50 wallballs, 100 double unders, 25 CTB pullups.
FG2: regular pullups, 20 double unders + 80 singles
FG1: Scale wallball as needed, single skips x 2.
CP1: 10/15 bar or ring MU.
CP2: heavy wallball, 25 bar or ring MU. 10 min AMRAP