Intramural Open Update

Hey team, the Open is underway and you have until 5pm on Monday to enter your scores online! So many great efforts, so make sure you actually have them officially logged. Get them in ASAP, as there will be a lot of traffic on Monday afternoon on the games website.
If you haven't yet signed up for an intramural team, here is what the scores will look like. The neat thing about this is that there are a bunch of categories to contribute to, not just the Rx ones! If you are a Rookie or Masters athlete, make sure to note that on the team board in the gym.
Each week, your team's scores will be a combination of the best:
2 mens' and 2 women's Rx scores
Best rookie score (Rx or scaled)
Best Master's score (35+)
Best scaled score
This gives your team 7 scores per week to compete for, so put your best effort forwards to help your team out the most!
I'm not sure what this week will bring, but rest assured it will be completely different!
WARM UP: 5 min amrap of: 6 pushups, 8 double crunch, 10 air squats
Warm up well for the skill (~8-10 min)
SKILL: Squat Snatch OR Power Snatch + OHS: 6 rounds
2-4 reps E90s in a group of 3 - ideally lifting the same bar. Stronger athletes in the group lift for 4 reps, others lift for 2. Can have two bars if large differences.
Rotate everyone through in the 90 seconds, same weight across all sets.
CP - target 85-105 / 135 - 165
In your group of three, AMRAP in 15 min of:
3 heavy thrusters + 8 deadlifts + 24 DU (relay style)
Rx: 95/135
FG2: 75/115, 48 single skips
FG1: scale bar as needed, 24 single skips
CP1: 105/165
CP2: 125/185