Open 20.2
Bam! Big workout coming at you, 20 minute amrap this time around! Depending on your skill level and what scaling you choose, this will be a very different workout... from a fast paced challenge that you'll have to work hard to stay below redline to a more methodical session where you are chipping away at reps.
Coach Cam breaks down some of the particulars in the video below.
Also, if you have any 20, 35, or 50lb dumbbells lying around, can you bring them in? it will help with running more people in heats!
If you are attending Friday night, we'll have a heat sign up board as opposed to having strict hour long classes as we will likely be running continuous heats the whole evening.
Let's get after it gang!
WARMUP: 3 rounds - 6 pushups, 6 double crunch, 10 air squats
Then wod prep with dbs - focus on the technique of holding/racking them!
WOD 20.2!
20 minute AMRAP of:
4 Thrusters (35/50lb DBs)
6 Toes to Bar
24 double unders
4 Thrusters (20/35lb DBs)
6 Hanging Knee Raises
24 Single unders