20.3 is... 18.4!
Well gang, we have a repeat wod for the first time in this Open... and it's a doozy! I recorded a video of some general tips about the workout (see bottom of this post), but here are some important details:
1. Your best gauge for pacing/strategy is to build off what you did last time! If you did 18.4 OR you have done the wod "Diane" (which is essentially the first "half" of the Rx wod) then you are ahead of the game. Adjust one or two things and go for it.
2. If you've never done either workout before, check out the percentiles in the tables below... i.e. build off the experiences of others! These are compiled from the 18.4 workout and have thousands of scores behind them.
Note that completing the first part of the workout (the first 21-15-9 combo) is 90 reps, so whenever you see a score over 90 reps, people have advanced into the second sequence.
For the scaled option, also note that the times can be VERY fast to complete the whole workout given the nature of the movements, so if you're a scaled wod flyer, then set your sights on finishing the wod!
Rx Table:
Scaled Table:
WARM UP: 3 rounds - 10 single KB deadlifts, 8 light DB Push Press, 20 jumping jacks
RX: 21-15-9 reps of Deadlift (155/225) and Handstand Pushups, then 21-15-9 reps of Deadlift (205/315) and 50' Handstand Walk
Scaled: 21-15-9 reps of Deadlift (95/135) and Hand Release Pushups, then 21-15-9 reps of Deadlift (135/185) and 50' Bear Crawl