End of Open Garage Sale, Potluck, and Clothing Drive

Only 2 more weeks left of the 2020 CrossFit Open, you are all doing great and working hard, keep it up!
We thought to finish out the Open this year we will be holding a closing event on Saturday November 9th from 11am-1pm here at the gym.
A few things will be happening and you are all welcome to participate as you please.
First we will be celebrating the closing of the 2020 Open with a Potluck! So bring a dish, snack, appy, whatever you would like to share!
Second, we have some equipment we are selling and will be holding a Garage Sale here at the gym of old equipment. Includes mats, yoga blocks, plates, and maybe a few other items as well.
Finally, we will be holding a clothing/donation drive. Any old clothes you have lying around please bring in and we will be making a donation to Our Place Society of all our old clothes to help those less fortunate stay warm this winter. Along with that we will also be taking any old blankets or sheets you may have to make a donation to BC SPCA as well for rescued animals and pets as well.
Lots going on that Saturday but bring what you can, even if it is just yourself to celebrate with everyone in the gym the end of this years Open.
Again Saturday November 9th 11am to 1pm!!!
WARMUP: Dowel Game!
Rotate through the following stations, working for 20-30 seconds at each. Consistent effort at each station is the goal, so start smooth and maintain!
6 rounds through (24 minutes)
1 Assault bike
2 HSPU or Pushups
3 Box jump overs or step-ups
4 DB Snatch or KB Snatch
CP: 8 rounds (32 minutes)
CP1: strict hspu
CP2: deficit strict hspu