FVT Prep Day!

Hey Team,
While the Open wraps up this week, many of our competitors will have another competition on their minds pretty soon after - the Fraser Valley Throwdown. This annual competition in Abbotsford is a fun event with many athletes from around BC competing in a whole variety of divisions.
We're sending a pretty big crew over (somewhere around 20-25 athletes), continuing our strong tradition of putting a lot of Vic City athletes out on the floor.
To bring these athletes together and to prep a bit, I'm going to be hosting an FVT Prep Day at Peninsula CrossFit for anyone who is competing in the FVT.
Why Peninsula CrossFit? Well for one it will be good to get into a different environment, with a different layout, bars, and plates. They also have some nice high ropes to train on as I expect there will be some rope climbs to take on at the FVT.
We'll train together, discuss things like nutrition and recovery over the weekend, and just have a good time before we head off.
The cost to attend is $10 per person, and I will be closing the registration this Saturday evening at 6pm, so be sure to get yourself a spot before then.
Click THIS LINK to register and visit the Facebook Event Page for more details. I probably haven't invited everyone who is competing, so invite your buddies to make sure they get the chance to get in on the action.
See you soon
WARM UP: 4 rounds of the following complex with a DB or a Kettlebell:
5 snatches per arm, 7 goblet squats, 5 push press per arm, 25 jumping jacks
This wod is from the upcoming FVT competition. Although many people will be competing in teams, this individual variant of the workout will allow you to develop the strength and skills needed to compete on a team OR individually!
15 min time cap.
Rx: 4 rounds for time of: 50 du, 10 ctb pullups, 10 hspu, 15 wallballs.
Scaled: 50 singles, 10 jumping CTB, 10 HR pushups, scale wallballs as needed.
CP1: sub 3 sets of this pullup complex per round (3 pullups, 2 ctb, 1 bar MU), 15 hspu, 15 wallballs.
CP2: heavy wallballs