Intramural Open Week 4 Update!
Hey all,
We are 80% of the way through the 2020 Open and our Intramural competition has been a great addition to the weekly excitement!
I have updated the table to show the most recent scores (from 20.4), and at the moment, the Saturday Slackers have a narrow 2 point lead over the Friday Early Risers. Friday Nooners and Friday Night crew round out the placings.

Whatever comes down the pipe this week gang, give it your best shot and get some points for yourself AS WELL AS your team!
Good luck,
Choose your Adventure
Conditioning WOD:
30min AMRAP
Teams of 3 relay: Row 14/20 cals, 10 kbs, 5 burpees
CP: FVT inidividual wod: 2k run, 2k row, 200' HS walk (24 min cap).
Strength WOD:
A. Back Squat 8 x 3 @ 90% of best triple from last week, E90s-E2M.
B1. Barbell Bench Press 4-5 x 6 reps Alternated with
B2. DB Walking Lunge 4-5 x 6 steps per leg. Every 90sec
Rotate through for 3-5 rounds:
C1. Strict Pullup 3-5 reps
C2. Front Plank 30-60 seconds
C3. Back Extension or GHD x 10-15 reps