Supplement Sale and Partner Double WODs

Starting Monday December 2nd running until Saturday December 7th we will be running a sale on all our supplements.
All supplements will be discounted price and buy any 2 supplement items you will receive a FREE Vic City T Shirt!!!
JaktRX Protein (All Flavours) Normal Price $55.00 down to $48.00
JaktRX BCAAs Normal Price $45.00 down to $37.00
JaktRX Omega 3s Normal Price $38.00 down to $28.00
Blonyx HMB + Creatine Normal Price $55.00 down to $48.00
Blonyx Beta Alanine Normal Price $38.00 down to $32.00
Blonyx Egg White Protein Normal Price $60.00 down to $51.00
So plan accordingly and get stocked up before the holidays! And wear some Vic City Swag!!!
Cone Flip Game
4 rounds of 1min On/1min Off
Double Partner WODs
WOD #1
30-20-10 reps each partner of: wallballs (14/20) and HR pushups. Partner 1 does 30+30 then partner 2 does 30+30 and so on.
FG 1: scale pushups and wallball weight
CP: Heavy wallball (20/25-30)
Rest and Reset
WOD #2
50-40-30-20-10 of double unders
2-4-6-8-10 of burpees. Partner 1 does 50+2 then Partner 2 does 50 + 2 and so on.
FG2: 5 du per round, rest as singles
FG1: single skips
CP1: burpee box jump overs
CP2: 100-80-60-40-20 DU and burpee box jump overs