12 Days of Fitmas: Day 1

Today we begin our 12 days of Fitmas!!! We will be providing a different leaderboard or classic CrossFit benchmark workout each day for 12 days leading up to December 24th. We will even have class on both Sundays (Dec 15th and 22nd) at 9:30am.
On Christmas Eve the 24th, we will have a single class at 9:30am and we will be taking on the 12 Days of Christmas WOD to culminate our 12 Days of Fitmas!
Look for the weekly plan of WODs each week so you can pick and choose which WODs you want to retest or take on for the first time.
Our unlimited members have the ability to come to all sessions but as a staff we want to ensure you stay safe so don`t overload yourself and choose your WODs carefully. So make sure you have planned Rest Days!
If you are a 2 or 3 day a week member you will be able to see ahead of time which WODs we will have that week and can make your attendance that week as you wish. If you happen to see more than 2 or 3 WODs you want to participate in you can purchase and Extra Member Session on your Push Press Member Portal App for $13/session.
This will be a fun challenge and look forward to everyone putting in some hard work and having some fun during this holiday season.
Happy Holidays and Happy Lifting,
Coach G.
4 rounds
8 plate ground to overhead
10 plate Overhead lunges
30 Heavy Rope Skips
WOD Open 11.5
20 min AMRAP
5 power cleans (105/145)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wallballs (14/20)
FG2 75/115
FG1 Scale bar as needed, Hanging Knee Raise, Scale Ball