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Split Jerk Werk

Cindy finishing a solid jerk!

PC Oscar braco

Good work on the tempo box/bench squats yesterday. Fun to see many of you challenged in a new way!

Today's skill is great opportunity to see where your Jerk is at and to focus on some technique before maxing out.

Stay safe and have fun!




3 rounds

6 Push up with plank T rotation

12 glute bridge marches

20-30sec hollow rock hold


Split or Push Jerk: 6 x 3 Every 90sec build every 2 sets

rest 4 min then

Split or Push Jerk: 6 x 1 Every 90sec build to heavy single SCORE #1


For time:


3 rounds of

10 hang power snatch 65/95

6 barhop burpees

Straight into

3 rounds of

15 bench press (65/95)

15 abmat situps

Take same bar from snatches, put it on the rack. Time runs continuously through both wods. Should be relatively quick so can run in heats


FG 55/75

TG Scale Bar as needed, regular burpees

CP 85/125

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