Personal Training and Goal Setting Packages Still Available!!!

Reminder we have a special New Years packages available until Friday February 14th!
These prices will no longer be available at this rate after February 14th, so talk to your coach and get set up today!
We have 3 packages available:
#1, 1 goal setting session + 2 Personal training sessions
#2, 1 goal setting session + 6 Personal training sessions
#3, 1 goal setting session + 12 Personal training sessions
* Each package has n expiration date so get setup today and start working toward your 2020 goals!
3 rounds
30 Heavy Rope Skips
10/10 Pallof Press
10-15sec Beat Swing
5 rounds Every 3mins not for time:(15mins)
10 Deadlifts (athlete's choice of weight)
10 DB/KB Shoulder to Overhead
*Build on both with the goal of making them very tough by the last set. If you haven't done deadlifts in a while, go lighter and work on technique
Alternating EMOM x 8 each (16 minutes):
Ring Muscles ups 1-5 reps
Box jumps 8-16 reps
*CTB, regular pullups, or assisted pullups as scaling options