Family Day Throwdown

Hey all, as is tradition on Holidays, we tend to have team or partner wods with a little extra spice to them. When I programmed for this week originally, I had forgotten that it was Family Day tomorrow... so the week preview on Instagram needs a bit of tweaking for tomorrow only!
Come on in for either the 9:30am or 5:00pm classes and look forward to a tough couple of fitness tests!
WARM UP: Roxanne with burpees (mod to box step ups if not doing burpees) - if you want to add a bit of spice, then do jumping jacks for the whole song (i.e. in between the burpees!)
After the warmup, grab a partner who is around your skill level for the next two wods!
WOD1: Partner Double Grace
Share work with your partner as needed! One bar between the two of you, you can do 1 rep each or put in some multiples.
Rx: 60 reps of Clean and jerk @ 95/135
FG2: 65/95
FG1: Scale bar as needed
CP1: 115/165
CP2: 125/185
WOD 2: 16 min Cindy
This time, you'll alternate complete rounds with your partner (each round being 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats).
Rx: unassisted movements
FG: scaled pullups and pushups
CP: weight vest 12/20lb