Tuesday Challenge
Squad, this is going to be a great double with the Monday partner wod and the Tuesday workout... So get in and get after it!
WARMUP: with a partner,
4 x 300m each person, building speed. Partner not rowing does 10 lunges and 10 hanging knee raise
SPECIFIC WARM UP: Build to above wod weight in the snatch
For time, partitioned as needed:
10 ring muscle ups
12 snatches 95/135
14 shoulder to overhead
16 strict hspu
18 ttb
20 front squats
22 back squats
FG3: Bar weight 75/115, 10 CTB pullups + 10 ring dips sub for muscle ups, kip hspu
FG2: 65/95, 10 pullups sub for ring MU, 32 HR pushups sub for hspu
FG1: scale bar as needed, 10 banded pullups for MU, 16 pushups for hspu, hanging knee raise
CP1: 1.5x reps (15-18-21-24-27-30-33)
CP2: 1.5x reps, bar weight 125/185