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Friday Squats and Consequence WOD

Hey all, hope you're ready to work with big weights and fast paces... Friday training has it all!





one time through:

500m row or equivalent bike, 15 medball cleans, 5 burpees


Back Squat Wave Load: 5, 3, 1 - 5, 3, 1 - 5, 3, 1 Every 2 mins

Each wave should be heavier than the last for the same rep count (i.e. each successive set of 5 should be heavier)

Start at 6/7 out of 10 effort so that you have somewhere to build to!


This has a 16 min time cap, so be sure to scale the movements so you can get them done in under 30sec each round.

Rx: Row 1500/2000m, to start and every two minutes:

perform 10 handstand pushups and 10 ctb pullups 16 min cap

FG3: regular pullups

FG2: HR pushups

FG1: ring rows and scaled pushups, scale distance on row if needed

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