Rowing Helen, No running yet...

Great photo of Victoria getting a nice long stroke on the Rower at this past weekends Vic City Games.
Photo Credit: Oscar Bravo
As Spring is approaching many of you are probably not so excited for more running WODs but, don't you worry as we have a rowing Helen workout today to test you just as much!
We will be looking to have some trail run opportunities this spring and summer like we did last year and trying to reach further out into some other areas of the CRD and more exploring of this beautiful island we get to call home!
So get those running legs ready for in class and be on the lookout for more outdoor running events and social engagements to be had this summer, because running can be fun!
3 rounds
Rotating EMOM 30sec work/30sec rest and rotate
Assault bike
beat swings
#1 "Rowing Helen"
3 rounds for time
Row 500m
21 American kettlebell swings (35/53)
12 Pullups
FG: assisted pullups
TG: Scale KB weight, jumping pullups or ring rows
10 min AMRAP
10 pistols (5R/5L)
8 Toes to Bar
6 Ring dips
FG: Single leg box squats, Jumping ring dips
TG: single leg pole squats, hanging knee raise, HR pushups