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Competition Training with Tia!

Tia making it look easy! PC: Oscar Bravo

Hey all,

I've got some exciting news for all of you who are interested in taking your CrossFit competition dreams to the next level. Starting on Monday, Coach Tia will be the lead of our competition training program!

Tia is not only an incredible athlete herself, but is also very much in tune with all the local and worldwide competitions that happen in our CrossFit world. She is up to date with how the best athletes are training and recovering to meet the demands of the modern CrossFit competition. This blend of personal experience and knowledge of the competitive arena and athletes makes her the perfect fit for this role.

I sat down with Tia this week and know that she is excited to take this on and help any competitor work their way up to their best performance.

Each week, Tia will send out three additional training sessions (engine building/aerobic work, gymnastics development and strength/oly). These sessions will provide more volume in these key areas to supplement what you are doing in class.

Every Saturday, Tia will also lead a training session after the morning classes that will geared towards competition prep. This could be doing workouts from Sanctionals, team training practice, or individual skills and metcons.

The cost is $25 per month added to your membership and you get access to evening open gym as well. If you're interested in getting involved in the competition program, or want to find out more info, get in touch with Tia and she'll get you set up!




WARMUP: 2 rounds through: 30 jumping jacks, 10 medball cleans, 10 double crunch


36 min AMRAP

Team of 3 relay style (one person goes through full sequence then others follow. Can use different weights on bench press).

6 bench press (105/155)

10 box jump (20/24)

14 Hang DB snatch or KB snatch (7+7 @ 35/50)

FG3: 85/125

FG2: 65-75/95-115, scale kb or db to 20-25/40-45

FG1: scale bar and DB as needed, step ups

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