Max Reps!

Photo Credit: Oscar Bravo
Sophie and Sarah H, showing us some team wallballs from our last months partner Vic City Games!
Today is a good one, working on some high rep maxes for back squats and push press. Build carefully and and keep yourself moving. and don't forget to breath! Long bouts under tension with that barbell so breath properly and efficiently!
3 Rounds
25ft Duck Walk
5/5 Single DB push press
8/8 Spiderman mountain climbers
Back Squat: 4 x 10reps build to a 10 RM (SCORE #1)
Every 3mins
Push Press: 5 x 8reps build to an 8 RM (SCORE #2)
Every 2mins
4 x 1min max reps Wallball, Rest 2 min (SCORE #3)