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KB/DB blast and core with G

Hey team,

Here we go, a great tutorial on some KB skills with coach G and an alternating E90 that you can execute for quality or for fatigue.

E90s are great that way - if you're feeling energetic and want a really tough challenge, then warm up well and set your rep counts high... for example in this combo, aiming for 15 reps per side on the hang clean to OH and 30 reps on the goblet squats. If you can nail those numbers and maintain that will be a big accomplishment!

We will be looking to release barbells and plates on Friday, time TBA so stay tuned for that if you are interested in picking some up. We will announce tomorrow via email and facebook/insta about that.

Lastly, we are looking to do a live stream of Coach G doing the Thursday wod tomorrow at 9:30 am and another live stream on Friday of the bodyweight wod, so you guys can hop in alongside us or watch later for tips and tricks.

Stay safe, and thank you so much for your support!!



WARM UP: 3 rounds: 2inchworms, 3/3 Samson Lunge, 4 slow step back/step up burpees

WOD: Alternate Every 90sec x 6 Rounds each of:

1. DB/KB Hang Clean to Overhead x5-15 per side

2. DB/KB Goblet Squat x 10-30

Cash-Out: 3 rounds: 5-10 Weighted Situps, 10-20 Seated twists, 5-10 Leg Drops

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