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Games Throwback Highlights


Every now and then I like to look back at previous CrossFit Games highlights. They show us how exciting this activity can be when competed for at the highest level, as well as how far we have come.

Each year athletes are stronger and more skilled, with more capacity to do intense bouts of work.

With the 2020 CrossFit Games still aiming to be held in September, we still might get to see this year's fittest battle it out. But until then, here are some highlights from back in 2014, when our very own Lucas Parker competed at the Games:




2 rounds - 5 lying thoracic rotations per side, 10 double leg glute bridge, 2 spiderman lunges


2 rounds - 20 air squats, 10 T rotation planks, 5 back roll to straddle stretch


This is a tough combo of two amraps with a pretty short rest in between. You'll want to almost pace this as a 16 minute amrap as opposed to two 8 min ones.

The weight should be on the lighter side so that most of your reps can be unbroken.

Good luck team!

Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 mins of:

6 Hang Power Snatches, 95/65 lbs

9/6 Hand Release Push-ups

12 Box Jumps, 24/20 in

Rest 2 mins

Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 mins of:

9 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 95/65 lbs

12 Back Squats, 95/65 lbs

36 Double Unders

Scale bar weight as needed, box jumps can be scaled to step ups and double unders can be done as 72 singles or as 36 jumping jacks

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