Log and Track your WODs

As many of you know we have an app you get to use fro FREE as a member of Vic City. Beyond The Whiteboard (BTWB) App allows you to track your weights, WODs, nutrition, recovery, and so much more.
You may have heard coaches reminding you to log your scores on BTWB, and especially now during our Covid guidelines this is our most current and accurate way of having an "IN CLASS" whiteboard with scores for the days WOD.
Even if you don't care to see how you rank on the app, class, or gym, you get so much out of it as a log and reference for weight percentages and times to hit for certain WODs.
So do your best to log your times and weights and if you need any assistance please email us at crossfitviccity@gmail.com with any questions you may have. The gym access CODE is posted in the gym on the cork-board between the bathrooms.
Happy training and have a great weekend!
Coach G.
3 rounds:
30 single skips
4 dowel dislocates
4 oh dowel lunges
8 v-ups
SKILL: Floor Press
6, 6, 4, 4, 4 E2M
Build as you go to a heavy 4
Bring that overhead squat into the fold against some tough toes to bar and HIGH box jumps. This workout will be a beast, get ready for it! If your OHS isn't great, plan on subbing in a front squat instead (bar taken from the floor).
5 rounds for time:
7 ohs (75/115)
14 TTB
7 box jumps (24/30)
FG2: sub in front squats, 7 ttb + 7 hanging knee raise, 20/24 for box jumps
FG1: scale bar weight, hkr, box step ups
CP1: 95/135