Meet Coach Andy!
Hey all, I'm excited to introduce our newest coach, Coach Andy!

You may have noticed him around the gym over the past couple of weeks both in class and in the coaching role. Andy comes to us with a wealth of experience, great coaching knowledge, and a drive to help you guys move and live better.
Over the coming weeks and months (and beyond) I'm sure you'll get to know this great coach. Here is his story in his own words:
I was a former 130lb Track Athlete and all around endurance junkie.
25 years of monostructural movement and oxidative stress had taken their toll - I was broken and in pain.
It was a serendipitous occurrence that I happened to stumble upon CrossFit in 2007. This methodology quickly exposed how "un-fit" and broken I was and how little of our true physical potential I was realizing.
I was weak, I was immobile, I was no good at it - I LOVED it!
6 months into it, and a lot of my chronic pain and inflammation had evaporated - I was still weak and I still sucked at it but I was intrigued and eager to learn. It was mostly an online, open source sub-culture back in 2007, but I committed to learn everything I could about it. In 2008 I travelled to Southern California, the birthplace of CrossFit, and took my first Level 1 "certification". It was delivered by all of the OG's - Glassman, Castro etc and it was such an exciting time to be getting involved with this nascent movement - there were still less than 500 Affiliates worldwide!
I started coaching right away and opened my first Affiliate in 2009. Juggling a full time career in Biotech and a young family proved too much at the time - thus I sold this Affiliate but continued to coach.
Along the way, I continued taking courses and certifications and learning:
CF Gymnastics; CF Barbell; CF Endurance; CF Running; CF Aerobic Capacity; Freestyle Movement; Catalyst Weightlifting; MovNat seminars and retreat; Steve Maxwell KB, Club Swinging and Mobility seminars.
I renewed my Level 1 in Philadelphia in 2013 - what an evolution from my first cert!
I am presently a CF-L2 and continue to learn and seek out interesting educational opportunities.
In 2012 I opened my second Affiliate and owned and operated this full time until 2017 - it was an awesome experience that I am truly proud of, but travel and other professional endeavours were tugging at me and I sold this Affiliate after 5 years.
Both of those gyms are still successfully operating.

From a competitive perspective - I have coached 3 Regional qualifying Teams, 2 Regional qualifying Athletes and 1 CF Games Athlete. An area of specialty for me is, of course, aerobic capacity and engine building - but I still also love coaching the Barbell and Gymnastic movement.
CrossFit, at its base, is all about EFFICIENCY. Efficiency of movement and sound mechanics are my jam - I love good, clean, seemingly effortless movement. If you are patient, if you lay the groundwork and build a solid foundation - you will be rewarded in this sport.

30 Single skips or jumping jacks
10 leg swings per side
5 hip circles each way
8 squats
This is an absolute classic from the vaults of Vic City. Over the past 7 years, we've run this wod over 20 times, and it's always an aerobic blast. We'll run it as a partner wod this time around, with each partner having their own square!
Have fun and breathe hard!
Rx: 5 rounds each for time of: 500m row, 400m run
1 partner rows while the other runs. When both of you are back, you switch. Try to choose a partner who is close to your ability!
3-4 times through:
10 T-rotation planks (5/side)
20 Glute bridge march (10/side)
20 KB side bends (10/side)