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22.2 and Intramural Update!

Well, 22.2 is here and many of you were "hoping" for a barbell movement... and as always we have to be careful what we wish for! This workout (in it's entirety) will add up to 100 deadlifts and 100 burpees, two very simple movements that in combination will be a great challenge. The good news is that this is a 10 minute AMRAP and as we saw in the live announcement, only three out of the four specimens they had competing completed the workout in the allotted time!

No matter what your performance though, you can gain points for your Intramural team... and here is the update after week 1!

Some notes - we used a percentage of total team members for wearing team colors and for the "PR" points as all teams have different numbers of people. See below for the details of how it all shook out!

For each team, the top two Rx (M/F) scores and top two Scaled (M/F) scores are highlighted in yellow

So not only did TEAM BLUE take the cake by 10 reps over team red, they also gained 5 extra points for team spirit, due to Josh L securing blue headbands for his teammates! The overall standings are shown below for week 1:

There were lots of great efforts in week 1 across the board, but a few special mentions here:

  1. Abby Hendy - first time using a 35lb DB for a workout, and ended up with a top 5 score out of all the women!

  2. Tyler H and Aleta E - first time ever doing a wall walk in a workout!

Well done everybody, now for week 2!



Check out the official scoresheet and a short video HERE

This workout is a couplet of deadlifts and bar facing burpees, with a pyramid rep format (1 each, then 2 each then 3 each all the way up to 10 reps, then back down the ladder to 9 each, 8 each, 7 each and so on). The time cap will be in effect for pretty much everybody as it is "only" 10 minutes and in total, there are 100 burpess and 100 deadlifts (155/225) to contend with.

Some tips;

  1. Start smooth. DO NOT race out of the gate, escalating reps get exponentially harder. No extra effort on deadlift reps or burpees, just focus on being smooth and using as little energy as possible

  2. Find a fast/smooth tempo on deadlifts. DO NOT go slowly down with the bar - you need to find a pace of movement that is smooth and quick to minimize the time the bar is in your hands

  3. Consider doing single reps of the dealift (i.e. pick it up and drop it down). This way, you are not under tension on the descent. This may feel a bit tougher though if you're used to having a bit of rebound from the ground.

  4. Rehearse the steps and sequence of your burpees. No extra steps or distance away from the bar, try to be as robotic as possible for these

  5. Stay tough through the 4-7 minute mark. Don't get lost in the torrent of discomfort, just focus on executing rep after rep and think positive thoughts of mastery and control over the workout

  6. Push, but be mindful of your spine. Be nice to it, you'll need it later!

Judging notes:

  1. Watch for proper lockout on deadlifts - both Knees AND Hips should be straight at the top and the shoulders should be slighlty behind the bar

  2. Watch for proper alignment at the bottom of each burpee (there will be a line of tape defining perpendicular with the bar)

  3. Watch for people not touching their CHEST to the ground on the burpee. Often times, the legs and stomach touch but the chest stays too high!

Class Format:

Same as last week, we'll run two heats of the workout with people switching roles of judging and performing the workout.


3 MIN machine of choice (bikes can stay inside since this will be low intensity)

Then: 3 rounds of -

10 light russian KBS

5 goblet squats

5-10 pushups

WOD: 22.2


1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps, for time of:

Deadlift, 225/155 lbs

Bar Facing Burpee

Time cap: 10 mins


Deadlift, 135/95 lbs

Bar Facing Burpee*

Time cap: 10 mins

*Stepping over the bar is allowed.


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