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A simple task for better mobility

Camille L-B showing great position in the bottom of the OHS

Hey team,

Movement efficiency is key in CrossFit. If you align your body properly, you'll be able to produce more force, more times, more efficiently. Most of us however have nagging areas that lack mobility, which impact our ability to get in good alignment.

When we think of correcting these issues, most often we think of 1 or 2 stretches ... that are specifically for that area of concern. While this is certainly a good practice, we need to remember to do it regularly AND we may be missing out on other areas that need work too.

The solution for less than ideal mobility likely doesn't lie in just a couple of stretches through a few ranges of motion... rather it exists in ALL the stretches and ALL the ranges of motion. In other words, the more joint movement you can have (of all your joints in every angle), the better your whole body mobility will become.

The solution for less than ideal mobility likely doesn't lie in just a couple of stretches through a few ranges of motion... rather it exists in ALL the stretches and ALLY the ranges of motion. In other words, the more joint movement you can have (of all your joints in every angle), the better your whole body mobility will become.

Now you can go on a full on rabbit hole adventure watching videos of Ido Portal (as I have done many many times) or you can take this one simple piece of advice from both Ido and Dr Kelly Starrett: sit on the floor.

I don't mean at work, but rather when at home relaxing, watching tv, reading, etc... sit on the floor. What you'll find is that you'll move through various positions simply because it isn't as comfortable or as encapsulating as leaning back in a LazyBoy.

While you're down there, try some 90/90 stretches, lie on your stomach, lie on both sides, throw in some kneeling etc. It works best when bingeing on Broadchurch, Cobra Kai, or Yellowstone on the TV.

I'm certainly not known for my mobility but this practice (and lots of spinal waves and freeform movement a la Ido Portal) have made a huge difference in my daily life. I'm generally less stiff, more able to move fluidly, and can attain better positions (not perfect) in my strength training.

So give it a shot, and throw a few mobility tools like foam rollers down there too... if you use that 1-2 hours of tv time efficiently every night, you'll feel better and move better, guaranteed.




WARM UP: 3 rounds

50 single skips / 25 jumping jacks

10 glute bridge

5 inchworms

10 air squats


Scale the deadlifts so that they are smooth but challenging... back should stay in perfect alignment and this should be a weight you could lift for 14-16 times in a single set.

5 rounds, each round for time, of:

8 Deadlifts, 225/155 lbs

8 Burpee Box Jumps, 24/20 in

16 Kettlebell Goblet Reverse Lunges, 53/35 lbs

Rest 2 mins between each round.

FG3: 185/125

FG2: 155/1O5

FG1: 115-135/75-95

CP1: 265/185, 2 X KBs held at sides OR weighted pistols (53/35lb in goblet position)

CASHOUT: Skill practice of your choice (if time allows!)


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