Becoming a Games athlete
Hey team,
As the 2020 CrossFit Games Finals approach, there are a lot of stories to follow from the top 5 men and women. We're seeing many familiar names at the top, but also some that you may not have seen as much at the Games. One of the latter athletes is Justin Medeiros from CrossFit Fort Vancouver.
Justin is a talented young crossfitter who has been coached up by longtime CrossFit Games team competitor, Adam Nieffer. The video below details their relationship, Justin's ideals and goals, and how he got to be in the final five for this years Games. Take a peek and see part of what it takes to be a top level CrossFit athlete in the modern era!
WARM UP: 5 min Cindy followed by coach led front rack stretches
This is a chance to test your front squat strength and see how it compares to our recent Back Squat 1rm.
For this test, you'll have 16 minutes to work up from an empty bar to your heaviest weight for 1 rep. Use the time wisely, and we recommend the following rep sequence:
5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 1..... up to your single
If you haven't been squatting heavily recently, then work on sets of 5 and develop very good technique!
WOD Practice:
This work is mostly for refinement and working on smoothness. The goal is not to race through the intervals but instead keep perfect form and replicate ideal reps.
You should have at least a 1 minute rest going into each round though to keep the quality high. If not, drop the weight of the bar or decrease reps a bit.
6 rounds, on a 2:30 timer of:
12 Deadlifts 185/125
8 box jumps (20/24)
6 Bar hop burpees
Keep the deadlifts smooth, especially if you are sore from the Mon - Tues wod. Consider a trap bar deadlift if your back is a bit stiff!
FG2: bar weight 85-105/125-155, scale box height
FG1: scale bar and box as needed
CP1: 155/225, double reps of burpees
CP2: 175/265