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Team, CrossFit Vic City just had it's 9th birthday, and it's been an incredible ride. Throughout those years, we've had the same logo, the origins of which were (interestingly enough) founded in the font and style of a landmark video game... but that's a story for another time.

I took the logo mockup and sent it to an actual professional, who made the name and imagery really pop. We locked in our colours (black, grey, vibrant green - original colour was named "Limerick Green") and away we went... for 9 years!

I feel like in many ways we've gone through a rebirth in the last few years, in terms of who we are, what we represent, and the community of people that we serve. The pandemic has brought to the forefront the importance of preventative health, as well as strength and fitness to fortify the mind and body. With these things in mind, I thought it was the perfect time to bring in a fresh new logo.

Our new logo is clean, modern, and states our primary purposes. With the full name of CrossFit gone, I felt it was a nice touch to keep the barbells in the logo to make sure that people know what we do. The motto below summarizes our approach pretty well too ... the combination of strength and fitness is a vital one on the path to overall vital health. I created some different variations also to give some variety. So here is our new logo (as shown on some new items in our store - see more on that below!)

Now a new logo is one thing, but it isn't that amazing unless you've got some GEAR to rep it with! Over the past couple of weeks, I've been busy curating our new custom clothing store, and I'm thrilled with the results. Unlike previous versions of our apparel which we used to order in bulk, almost all of the items in the store are "on demand" orders. This gives us (and you) ultimate flexibility and variety in the products we carry. Expect new items to roll through every four months or so, with new designs, colors and themes!

I have some orders inbound from our store for our coaches and the one thing to mention is that the shipping times right now vary quite a lot... so please be prepared for a slight delay on your items arriving. All I can say is that I'm excited for the apparel to come in and to start seeing it around the gym!

I feel like I've said this a lot but again, thank you for your support and dedication. We want to keep improving the gym, our services, and your experience so that we'll continue to enjoy what CrossFit Vic City has to offer for the next 9 years :).

See you soon,




WARM UP - 2-3 rounds

1 min row or bike

10 cossack squats

10 hang power cleans (bar only)

8 samson lunge

Then specific warm up for the wods


3 rounds for time of:

Row, 500 m (can sub in 1200m bike)

9 Thrusters, 135/95 lbs

Simple but a good blend of aerobic and heavier strength! Get used to doing thrusters heavier than usual and you will find the lighter ones a breeze! Expect to break up all sets of thrusters into 2 chunks of reps if you get the weight right (i.e. don't go too light!).

FG3: 95-115/55-75

FG2: 55-75/35-45

FG1: bar only

CP1: 155/105

CP2: 175/120

PRO: At CP2 but do 4 rounds

Rest as needed


3 rounds for time of:

Row, 250 m (can sub in 600m bike)

9 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs

6 Front Squats, 135/95 lbs

Short but tough, especially after the thrusters and rowing in the first wod. If you have to, you can drop down in weight from wod 1 but ideally you'll be able to do the same. Break the hang power cleans up to keep your grip and control your heart rate, aim to get the front squats unbroken.

Scaling: same as above


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