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Class Additions and More!

Hey team,

Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out the class additions survey. We had 108 respondents so the majority of you put your ideas forward, giving us a good idea of where we can look to grow our class offerings.

The largest response was for a Saturday Open Gym time, so we will be moving forward with that ASAP. I will be looking to hire on a weight room attendant (details to come soon) to cover a 6-7 hour stretch in which you will be able to book time to come in and work on skills/wods/strength. This will be a great way to boost up those lagging bits and pieces ahead of the CrossFit Open in February.

Another big "yes" was to adding our skills classes in the mornings, so we're going to a Tues - Thurs 930 skills slot for unlimited members. Tues will be weightlifting and Thurs will be gymnastics.

Interestingly enough, we had some significant interest in a 5am (!!!) CrossFit class, so we are going to trial that on Wednesdays only to see who is actually bold enough to show up!

Fundamentals classes get a boost too - starting next week, Tues Thurs mornings will have a 715 am fundamentals class and MWF 745pm will be fundamentals also. Any regular member can do fundamentals, so if you can only make those times, you can come in and get your training in.

Lastly, we are adding a 4th class in the evenings to accommodate more people in these busy times. We'll see how numbers go over the coming weeks, but for now, we have 4pm, 515pm, 630pm and 745 (skills or fundamentals) on the schedule from Monday through to Friday!

Note that we have reduced the time between most classes to 15 minutes, which means the following:

- ALL members will be expected to have left the gym by the end of their training hour

- Coaches will need some time to re-arrange and clean between classes

- The next class can expect to be let into the gym at 7 minutes prior to the class start time

I hope that these changes will allow more of you to enjoy our training program on a regular basis as well as offer more opportunities for new people to join our community. All of these changes come into effect starting this coming Monday!


We had a coaches discussion around wearing masks and have decided that we will wear them while coaching. As coaches, we move around a lot, talk in loud voices, and tend to interact with more people than members. In the odd occasion where we may have to come closer than 6ft, these masks will provide an additional layer of protection for us and you!

Should an indoor mask mandate (for everyone in any facility) come down from the health authorities, we will adjust our training to a primarily strength and skill based program. We will also provide conditioning activites but likely limited to outside. I don't know if such a mandate will come down, but if it does, we will keep moving forwards and have a contingency plan!

Stay safe and see you soon!

Coach Cam



WARM UP: 2 rounds -

10 plate floor to overhead

10 plate crunches (just the crunch, not a full situp!!)

5 pushups

2 Samson lunges, hold 3 sec


5 X 3, Go E2M and work on quality! Build as you go but keep the weight range pretty small.


A Kettlebell blast with a bit of rest...

Complete as many rounds as possible in 24 mins of:

16 Kettlebell Goblet Reverse Lunges

14 American Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs

12/8 Hand Release Push-ups

10 V-up Sit-ups

Rest 1 min

Focus on quality and smooth execution of all movements!

FG2: scale KB down to 26/35-44, double crunch

FG1: scale pushups, kb weight, and situps as needed

CP1: sub KB snatches for swings, hspu for pushups

CP2: Kb weight 44/70


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