Class Update & Murph Sunday

Yep, masks on for a bit longer, gang!
Some light at the end of the tunnel is visible given today's announcement regarding the "re-opening" plan for our province. We're going to have to hold out a bit longer for full "mask off" training inside, but we WILL be able to progressively introduce full coached classes back in to the fold as we go through the next 6 weeks or so.
Just a few things regarding classes starting Wednesday May 26:
Low intensity class format is a "go", but we must keep masks on inside for all training
Coaches will lead warm up and any indoor skill, strength, or muscular endurance work as in a normal class
Outdoor "wods" can be done without a mask
For the remainder of this week (until Saturday), you may do Open gym activities in class time. Starting Monday May 31, members will be expected to participate in the class activities of that day. There will be opportunities for Open Gym time and Competition Team time that will be announced shortly.
So expect a bit more of a "class" experience as we move forwards, which will really begin our process of bringing everyone back together and building the community feel to the training sessions!
MURPH will run on Sunday May 30, and we will wear masks for all inside activities. This means mostly for the pullup part of the workout (pushups and squats can be done outside without masks). A few suggestions from the coaches include:
Going unpartitioned (i.e. doing all the pullups before the pushups and squats) so that you only have to wear your mask for the first part of the "calisthenics" portion
Doing bigger chunks of reps (i.e. double Cindy - 10 pullups, 20 pushups, 30 squats) to minimize time spent going outside and coming back inside with mask
Subbing in something else for the pullup portion (American KBS) if you are really not into wearing a mask!
Not trying so hard (jk)
I will be putting start times together for Sunday, that will be available to reserve similar to a regular class. As of right now, our window to complete the workout is from 8am to 11am. This may change over the course of the next day, so please stay tuned to the class registration app! Please also only sign up if you have registered with a donation. If you prefer to bring cash for donation or do not have funds to donate, email me!
It won't be easy to do MURPH in this fashion, but as Coach Tia pointed out, the point of Murph is not to make it easy!!!
See you soon,
WARM UP: 3 rounds
5 cossack squats per side
4 lying thoracic rotations per side
3 inchworms
8-8-6-6-4-4, E2M
If doing Murph this weekend, go easy on these sets. It's been a while for most of you since you did some back squats, so these higher reps can make you quite sore!
4 rounds, each round for time, of:
10 Power Snatches, 115/75 lbs 10/7
Assault Bike Calories
Rest 2 mins between each round.
Quick! Snatches done inside and should be done as quick singles or touch and go for two sets. Bikes outside for a sprint!
FG3: 65/95
fg2: 45-55/65-75
FG1: scale bar weight, movement rom, and or calories
CP1: 95/135
CP2: 105/155, 15/10 cals per round