Covid Update? Wait and See

someday team, someday soon...
Hey team,
Definitely things are looking bright in terms of Covid. We've seen a huge drop in cases and with vaccinations increasing, a return to "normal" is actually looking pretty probable! As you may know, the province is set to reduce some of the current restrictions in an announcement on June 15. What we don't entirely know is what that will look like for our class capacity and mask mandates.
The Stage 2 re-opening lists "high intensity indoors with reduced capacity" for gyms. This is promising in that it tends to allow higher intensity indoors, however if masks are still required then it likely will not change much about what we do. We also don't want to further reduce capacity in our classes as there are many that are operating on a waitlist already!
In general, our plan will be to look to increase capacity in classes whenever it is safe to do so. Long term, we will keep a class capacity cap (something we didn't have pre-Covid) to ensure strong member-coach ratios, equipment availability, and good class flow.
We will also look to move to a masks optional situation once the health guidelines support this. Likely this won't be until July 1st however it is possible that it could be sooner. This will be an individual choice by each member as you all have different circumstances and comfort levels with the virus.
Long term, we will maintain many of the cleaning practices we currently have and will look to keep our space as clean and safe as possible. I think we've all reaped the benefits of less frequent colds over the past year and a bit and that would be great to continue!
So in terms of the short term changes in class structure and guidelines, we have to wait and see for a bit longer. The good news is that we are moving in the right direction and by adhering to the guidelines we are helping to keep each other as safe as possible. Thank you all for your continued support and patience!
See you soon,
WARM UP: 4 rounds
30 sec jumping jacks or single skips
30 sec glute bridges
30 sec plank with leg lifts
30 sec cossack squats
SKILL: Deadlift 6x3 at 75% 1RM Rest 2 mins between sets.
Smooth reps only... 75% is the max you'd want to hit... we haven't pulled heavy for a few weeks so go easy on your body and "practice" the lift!!
As many reps as possible in 14 mins of:
3 Handstand Push-ups 3 Toes-to-bars 3 Snatches, 115/75 lbs
6 Handstand Push-ups 6 Toes-to-bars 6 Snatches, 115/75 lbs
9 Handstand Push-ups 9 Toes-to-bars 9 Snatches, 115/75 lbs ...
Continue adding 3 reps each round to each movement until time expires.
FG3: bar weight 65/95, scaled ROM hspu
FG2: bar weight scaled as needed, HR pushups sub for hspu, hanging knee raise sub for ttb
FG1: scale wod as needed!
CP1: 135/95, strict hspu
CP2: 165/115, deficit kip hspu (45+25/45)