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Free Intro Classes are Back!

Slightly old school crew :) Photo - Oscar Bravo

Hey Team,

You guys all know how challenging, rewarding, and fun CrossFit can be, and as a community, it's part of our mission to open our programming to as many people as possible. For the past couple of years, we haven't been running free intro classes and have subbed in our excellent Fundamentals classes. We have a great crew in the Fundamentals but I feel that the intro class is an even easier way for people who are "on the fence" to get in and learn more about our gym and programming.

These classes will run for one hour, and will include some theory about crossfit, how our gym operates, and then a sample workout that can be scaled to any fitness level. Prospective members can register by clicking the button on the main page of our website, or by sending an email directly to

We have an option for the morning crew which is 7-8am on Tuesdays, and one for the afternooners - 4-5pm on Thursdays. People must register at least 24 hours in advance so that the coach is prepared for the session!

So if you've got a friend or family member who wants to give CrossFit a try, let them know, and you can even come in with them to get the full experience and learn more about the theory and practice of CrossFit at Vic City!

See you soon,





3 rounds - 10 plate floor to overhead, 5/side lying thoracic rotations, 10/side glute march


Deadlift 6x3 at 75% 1RM Rest 1:30 between sets.

Tech Notes

These are not max effort sets, aim for 80% effort on each one. Warm up well then hold across or do a slight build!


For time:

Assault Bike, 2400 m

Run, 800 m

Assault Bike, 1800 m

Run, 600 m

Assault Bike, 1200 m

Run, 400 m

FG2: Assault bike 2000-1500-1000 / Run 600-400-200

FG1: scale as needed!

tech notes

One person running, one person biking... when you're both done, switch over!


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