Friday Night Lights Details!

Maria and Sam putting in work! Photo: Oscar Bravo
Hey Team!
We are about 10 days away from our next epic Friday Night Lights event! This event is open to ANYONE who wants to join in the fun and hang out with some great people. It is a same sex partner format, however if you don't have a partner, we'll pair you up on the day, no problem :)
Here are some important details:
You can sign up as you would for any session - just choose Heat 1 or Heat 2 (both partners sign up)
The event is FREE but if you have a potluck dish (small is okay!) to share that would be outstanding
There will be two parts to the workout - a combined lift (see details below) and a partner AMRAP. Both parts can be scaled up or down as needed!
Doors will open at 5pm, first Heat for part 1 will go at 550pm. Heat 2 will start at 610pm. After both heats have done part 1, we will re set and do part 2, with Heat 1 running at about 620-625pm and Heat 2 going after. Both parts should be done before 7pm :)
At 7pm we'll clean up and hang out and eat some great food along with having some drinks on hand for purchase.
Combined Lift Details
You and your partner will have 15 minutes to get your best 5 rep lift in the thruster! The bar will be taken from the floor, and you can have as many attempts as you like in the 15 minutes to get your best 5 rep weight. Only 5 consecutive reps count, however you can pause on the shoulders or overhead while working towards your 5 reps. Smallest jumps will be 2.5lb per side, collars on for all lifts. You and your partner will use the same bar and adjust as needed.
AMRAP Details
The AMRAP length is 15 minutes. Share the reps with your partner as needed! You and your partner can have different scaling levels.
Rx: 30 pullups, 50 cal assault bike, 70 American KBS (53/35), 90 Wallballs (14/20)
Scaled: 30 jumping or banded pullups or ring rows, 40 cal bike, 60 American Swings (26/35), 70 wallballs (8/10)
Comp: 15 bar muscle ups, 50 cal bike, 70 KB snatches (35/53), 90 wallballs
Sooooo... the key is to get signed up, talk to your gym buddies and pair up as needed! Any questions just email us and we'll get you sorted out :)
I'm really looking forward to seeing you all out at the event and hanging out with you all after!