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Friday Night Lights - The WOD

Well it's going to be epic team... This Aug 12 we're going to see the return of an infamous Vic City challenge... the Hour of Power!!

With your partner, you may choose to do UP TO 6 mini wods that all start on a 10 minute timer. Most of the wods have a time cap of 6-8 minutes, and the others should be scaled to make sure you get the workout done with at least 2 minutes rest before the next workout starts.

Note that I said UP TO 6 wods... you and your partner can do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, OR 6 wods. Some will be by nature more stressful on the body, and others will be tough but more manageable. If you want a really tough push, do all 6 and share the work with your partner. You can also take on all 6 and go at a more moderate effort the whole time.

Either way, this will be an evening not to miss! Here is the current layout of the wods:

WOD1: Double Grace (60 clean and jerks for time) - share and split reps with your partner as needed!

WOD2: Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 mins of: Assault Bike, 2400/2000 m (BUY IN) then max rep Double Unders in the remaining time

WOD3: Complete as many rounds as possible in 6 mins of: 5 Front Squats, 135/95 lbs 7 Lateral Burpee Over Bars - alternate rounds or time with your partner

WOD4: Row 2k, switch at 500m or 1000m with your partner

WOD5: Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 mins of: 8 Dumbbell Hang Snatches, 50/35 lbs 16 Goblet Reverse Lunges, 50/35 lbs - alternate rounds or time with your partner

WOD6: Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 mins of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats - alternate rounds or time with your partner

NOTE: To register through the Push Press App, look under "Events" and it will pop up... otherwise click HERE and you can sign up!!





Row 150m

Lying leg up and overs x 5/side

Deep pole squats x 5 (with pause at bottom)

10 bent over reverse flyes


A little bit heavier and a little bit harder... push it on this and make it worth it! A challenge on the thrusters is a good way to start, choose a weight that scares you a little bit and will make you break up the reps as you go through the rounds.

4 rounds for time of:

Row, 400 m

11 Thrusters, 115/75 lbs

14 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

FG3: 65/95, regular pullups

FG2: 45-55/65-75, jumping pullups

FG1: scaled as needed

CP1: 95/135

CP2: 105/155, 7 bar mussies

Accessory (if time allows)

4 rounds:

10 DB bench press

15 DB romanian deadlifts

20 bicycle crunch


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