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Get outside between gym sessions

Bruno and I on a hike at Mount Doug

What do you do on your days away from the gym?

I get asked this question a lot and I always suggest to people to get out and move still on days off. Now this doesn't mean a 10km run, but perhaps a 30min walk, or a hike or stroll through the woods. Especially if you have a furry companion to take with you it makes it much more enjoyable and you kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

We live in such a beautiful place year round and we have amazing parks and hiking spots all over the CRD and at our fingertips. So despite the now rainy season coming upon us, get outside walk, hike, run if you feel so inclined and enjoy the natural beauty that is Vancouver Island.




3 rounds

15 russian kb swings (lighter)

10 goblet reverse lunges (5/5 lighter *same weight as swings)

5 pushups


Back Squat 5x5 Every 3mins

@ 75% 1 rep max


"Death by Clean n Jerk"

RX: On a continuous running clock

1 clean n jerk (95/135) in 1st minute

2 clean n jerks in 2nd minute

3 clean n jerks in 3rd minute

and so on and so on as long as you are able.

*choose same weight as your Grace weight*

FG3: 75/115

FG2: 65/95

FG1: 55/75


CP2: 135/195


Strict hanging knee raises

5x10 reps

rest as needed between efforts


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