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Hang Squat Clean Thrusters

Team, there's a lot going on in this movement, but it's pretty intuitive and rhythmical once you get it going. Take a peek at the video below, and note the lack of forward bend of the torso throughout the movement. The wod weight today should be light enough to touch and go sets of 6-10 reps, so keep your torso upright and use the knees mostly to propel the bar back up.

Take some time in the specific warm up to practice the mechanics of the individual components then put them together for the wod. Good luck!!



Training Monday Tuesday

Warm Up x 2

5 lying thoracic rotations / side

5 single leg glute march per side

5 prone scorpions per side

5 pushups

20 jumping jacks

Specific Warm Up x 4

3 hang power clean + 3 front squat + 3 shoulder to overhead

Go E2M, build to above workout weight


For time:

60 Wallballs, 20/14 lbs

Run, 800 m

30 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters, 115/75 lbs

Run, 800 m

60 Wallballs, 20/14 lbs

Pace out that first set of wallballs and 800 if you're not strong at either or both! Hang squat clean thruster is a unique movement, try to be as smooth as possible and break up as needed.

FG3: 95/65

FG2: 65-75/45-55, scale wallball to 10/14 OR 40 wallballs at 14/20

FG1: bar only thrusters x 20, 400-600m runs, 40 wallballs


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