Healthy Nutrition While Traveling

Hey team!
With Summer upon us and COVID times nearly over (maybe), people are off traveling more
again and getting up to more adventures, which is awesome to see.
I do believe we all need a break mentally and physically, and a good vacation can be just what
the body needs for a good reset. So let your body enjoy the rest and enjoy those extra treats
and delicious on the town meals, but keep in mind, you still want to have the energy to keep up
with your daily activities/adventures you have planned! So below I have shared some of my
tips/tricks for making sure you’re getting some healthy food options on your trip. And you’ll keep
more of your routine and the habits you’ve built for when you get back. It’s a Win Win!
1. If flying somewhere it can be hard to bring a lot of food with you. When you land in your
destination, find the local Grocery store, and stock up on essentials. If you’re road
tripping, bring some of the below with you, and be prepared to stop along the way to
2. Protein! Usually when traveling we eat out a lot, and while those restaurant meals can
be filling, they are usually higher in fats and carbs, and usually don’t have enough
protein. I always buy the smallest tub of Protein powder I can find (about 16 servings), or
if they have single-serve packs, buy enough to last for your trip, or even pre-made
smoothie drinks with protein is a great option. I will also buy some Jerky to get in
throughout the day, and can easily be stored and brought with you for an easy snack.
3. Speaking of Healthy snacks, if you’re spending a lot of time sightseeing or maybe all day
at the beach, it can be hard to get full meals, so to keep yourself from starving, stock up
on some snacks; fruits and veggies, crackers, maybe with hummus or some other
alternative to go with them, deli meat, protein bars (check for the good ones, ones in low
sugar!), etc. These snacks will keep you from getting drained and also overeating when
you are out. Plus, eating out for every meal can be very expensive, so bonus, this will
also save you money in the long run!
4. Can you eat one of your meals at the place you are staying? I always check if the room
I’m staying in has a fridge and/or microwave. This will also determine what type of
snacks to get, or if you can have any meals ready to go. If I can, I'll plan to have
breakfast at the hotel. My last trip, I bought Instant Oatmeal cups that you could just fill
with water and pop in the microwave. I'd add some fruit and protein, and boom, I had a
good breakfast! If you have a fridge, you could also get some yogurt, or milk and plan
that way.If you also have a fridge, you could buy some pre-made lunches/sandwiches
and bring with you for the day as needed.
5. Stay hydrated! Either bring water bottles with you to fill up, or grab a case of water when
you get to your destination. A lot of the time we also just get drained when we are
dehydrated, so stay prepared and drink lots of water!
I’m sure there is a lot more I could get into, but these are some of the basics for maintaining
your health goals while on vacation. Personally, I love the break from my usual food routine and
it makes me thankful to get back to it after I’ve enjoyed some good tasting food, but I also want
to make sure I keep myself energized and that I still get enough food and nutrients even while
on vacation!
We spend lots of the time in the gym, and no that won’t all wither away from a short
time away from the gym, but if we can do just a little bit extra to maintain while gone, it won’t feel
as awful when we get back. I hope you found this helpful and please share any tricks you have
for staying on top of it while away :)
- Coach Tia
Don't go too heavy on this... aim for perfect technique and crisp clean reps!
Complete as many rounds as possible in 24 mins of:
10 Pull-ups
10 Alternating Pistols
20 Single Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks, 50/35 lbs
max rep Assault Bike Calories - THIS IS YOUR ONLY SCORE FOR THE WOD!
Tech Notes
Both partners working at the same time - one person doing the pullups, pistols, and DB while the other is accumulating calories on the bike.
Your score is your total calories on the bike, so just enter one overall score into BTWB!
Scale pistols to a box if unfamiliar with them or if working towards a full rep. Be gentle with them as they can be stressful on the knees and back!
FG3: scale db to 25/40, pistols to a box, half rep pullups
FG2: assisted pullups, scale db
CP2: 7 bar or ring mussies, 50/70lb db