July PUSH Week Inbound!

With optimism increasing as we head towards July, I am eagerly anticipating going "optionally maskless" next month. This will open a whole new set of wod opportunities for us all, and allow us to get ready for an exciting, in-house competition - PUSH Week.
Typically during PUSH week, we run a different wod each day of the week. This could look a bit different this time around, but the principle is the same... complete the wods at the Scaled, Rx, or Comp level and compete with your buddies for some prizes at the end of the week. If we run a wod each day, only certain (secret) ones will be scored. If we do our usual 3 day programming, then all 3 days will contribute.
This is primarily for FUN of course, but there's definitely a bit more excitement about the workouts when you know that there's a little more to play for.
The week of July 12-16 is when it will all go down... by then, you'll have shaken off the rust of the July long weekend, and we'll also have a firm handle on what the guidelines will look like.
So stay sharp in your training, hone your skills, and get ready for the July PUSH week!!
WARM UP: 3 x
5/side lying thoracic rotations
5/side bird dogs
5 pole squats with 2 sec pause
WOD: emomster
Tough sequence here, don't go easy on the barbell, aim for quality on the V ups and Doubles, then hit the 1 min row hard going into the 2 mins rest. Can also bike for the 1 min hard.
Every 1 min for 35 mins, alternating between:
7 Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs
Double Under, 30 secs
7 Front Squats, 135/95 lbs
V Sit-up, 30 secs
7 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 135/95 lbs
Row Calorie, 1 min
Rest 2 mins
Challenge yourself with the barbell weight - it should be singles with a quick re set for the power cleans, unbroken for the front squats, and possibly two sets for the shoulder to overhead!
FG3: 65-75/95-115
FG2: 45-55/65-75
FG1: bar only
CP1: 105/155, ttb
CP2: 125/185, ghd situps