Leaderboard WOD - Diane!

Matty P getting after a Can West Games qualifier wod!
Here we go again with one of our new leaderboard workouts, which is actually a vintage crossfit workout (just like last weeks' Helen). Diane is a pretty straightforward couplet, but is challenging in that it requires both strength for the deadlifts and strength endurance for the handstand pushups.
With most of these benchmark workouts, if you are close to being able to complete it as Rx, then give it a shot! You never know what might happen and by being patient and focusing on technique, you may well end up surprising yourself!

I've got the first round of Helen scores up on the in gym leaderboards, and as you can see, we don't have many masters scores up there... so all of us 40+ people need to get our butts in gear to make the leaderboard well rounded.
Get a good warm up in for this workout, be safe with both movements, and have fun!
See you on the other side :)
5 MIN BIKE (rotate arms, legs, both if you like)
3 rounds of
16 glute bridge
4/side thoracic rotations
Tough couplet, break the deadlifts up as needed and pace out the handstand pushups - don't go to max effort in round 1 or 2. Keep your form tight as the fatigue creeps in.
21-15-9 reps, for time of: Deadlift, 225/155 lbs Handstand Push-up
FG2-3: scale deadlift to what you did in the Open this year. Scaled ROM hspu OR scale to HR pushups
You have two options - you can pursue some strength work or conditioning work!
Option 1: Functional bb
5 rounds for quality of: 8 Dumbbell Bench Press 12 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges 8 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows 12 Dumbbell Side Bends
Option 2: Conditioning
The Tabata interval is 10 secs of work followed by 50 secs of rest for 16 intervals. Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.
Take a 4 min break after the 8th interval, aim to maintain high output during the work intervals, and go very easy during the rest.