Mask Mandate version 5.1780375
Hey team,
With the announcement today of the new mask mandate, we will be returning to a "masks on" while NOT exercising in the gym. This means that you will need to wear your mask when entering the facility and when not in your grid / not exercising.
At least we aren't returning to masks on inside at all times, so let's look for the silver lining on this one! As always, our outside breezeway area is available for use if anyone doesn't feel comfortable training inside the gym.
All we can do at this point is keep moving forward, so let's stay strong here team and keep after our training. At the end of the day, our pursuit of health and fitness puts us on the positive side of the fight against almost ALL infections and chronic disease.
12 cossack squats
12 light kb swings
12 double crunch
6 pushups
SKILL: Tempo Front Squat 6x3 at 70% 1RM
Rest 1:30 between sets.
Tempo: 4 sec down, 1 sec pause, fast up
Be conservative with load and excellent with posture! If your wrists bug you in the front rack position, then try the "bodybuilder" style with crossed arms.
It's been a while since we took one of these on... but it should be a fun one! One person works while the other rests
Complete as many rounds as possible in 24 mins of:
Assault Bike, 750/500 m 15 American Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs 15/10 Hand Release Push-ups
This is a you go - I go format where one person does the full work while the other rests, then switch! Work quickly and accurately!
FG3: Scale KB weight to 20-26/35-44
FG2: Modified pushups
FG1: Scale as needed
CP1: 44/70
CP2: KB snatches x 16 @ 53/35, ring dips or HR Pushups x 20/15