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Meet Coach Kristjan!

PC: Oscar Bravo

Hey team, we have yet another new face around the gym these days, who is also an amazing addition to our coaching team. His name is Kristjan, and he has an extensive background in coaching, strength & conditioning, and CrossFit. Here is his background, in his own words!

- I started with joining Vic City weeks before the 2014 open. I cam back for more in both 2015 and 2016 open with Vic City. I also competed at the Fraser Valley Throwdown in 2016, which was fun! Meanwhile I attended the regular classes skills plus and the occasional Saturday Hero workouts.

- I came from a background of rowing and other sports such as cycling, running, and swimming. I effectively earned my 3rd and 4th lungs but paid the price in terms of my overall mobility and movement quality. I was essentially only good at doing 1 thing: Rowing.

-Since joining Vic City, I've made some big changes as a testament to the gym's relentless approach to coaching quality movement.

-I've got a background in coaching rowing for 12 years and worked as a strength coach for the past 3-4 years.

- I have many favourite Crossfit workouts and contrary to what most people think, they don't usually include Rowing! I really enjoy Helen, the Incredibles, Invictus 1, and workouts like the Mullback mile. I am perhaps THE #1 fan of the partner Nurwor and love how it is a leaderboard workout. Good choice people!

The bottom line is that I really enjoy the challenges that Crossfit brings on.

PC: Oscar Bravo

Welcome to the team Kristan, we're looking forward to having you around the gym!

- Cam





5 X 3, on a 2 min timer

If possible, do the hang squat snatch as a smooth and continuous movement. You may also choose to break each rep into a power snatch + ohs, or just go with a power snatch if your mobility isn't great.


You can treat this as a recovery workout and move with purpose and quality or if you want a real grinder, then push the pace...

Complete as many rounds as possible in 16 mins of:

11 American Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs

9 Box Jumps, 24/20 in

7 Toes-to-bars

5 Burpees

FG2: scale the kettlebell, can do step ups, hanging knee raise

FG1: scale as needed

CP1: KB snatch (12 reps total) sub for swings

CP2: KB snatch @ 44/70, box jumps @ 24/30, double reps toes to bar and burpees


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