Meet Maria!

Photo: Oscar Bravo
Maria has been with us since 2018, 5 years already! Although it feels like she’s always been a part of the gym, it’s hard to picture a time without her. She’s mostly a morning crew, early riser, but she does come in the evenings once or twice a week as well to grace us with her presence hehe. Some of my favourite comments throughout the day are, “Wow Maria was so fast!”
She’s sort of a Silent Assassin to me, always smiling, having a good time, chatting up with her fellow classmates, but when that timer goes “3,2,1..Go!” She gets down to business! Often setting one of the top times or scores for the day.
Yes her fitness is very impressive, but what stands out most to us, is her attitude and her commitment to herself to always get her workouts in. She’s a busy mom, always on the go, but she always has prioritized her health, and sets a great example for her kids. Even if it means coming to the gym with Mom (aka their Screen time for the day, which they don’t seem to mind haha), I always catch her kids looking up and watching her kick butt and seeing what their mom is doing. They will grow up with that same fire and attitude because of her example.
Everyone is always happy to see her when she walks in the gym, and it’s because of Members like Maria that make this place so special. Read below to get to know her!
What is your background in Fitness/sport?
I grew up in a small town and spent almost every morning and night at a field or at the rink playing soccer, hockey and field hockey. When I moved to BC, I got into cycling and that was my go-to before discovering CrossFit. I also had a period where I was into running half marathons but then I realized I really don’t like running.
When did you start CrossFit and At Vic City?
My first CrossFit experience was at Vic City in April 2018. I really had no idea what it was all about. I remember doing the assault bike on the first day for maybe a minute and I thought I was going to die. 5 years later, I’m still here dying on the assault bike and loving every minute of it!
How many CrossFit Opens have you done?
Eek.. I’ve only done two. Signing up for the next Open for sure though!
Favourite memories in the gym?
I feel like we’re always making memories and having good times. It’s hard to pick one, but the memories that are made with the VicCity crew inside and outside the gym are what keep me coming back.
What is your favourite movement?
Hang Cleans and STO, separate or combined.

Least favourite?
Shuttle runs and TTB. TTB don’t like me, and I’m not really into them either.
Favourite WOD or type?
I’m always happy to see a chipper WOD, especially if it's a partner workout.
I also live for Saturday morning workouts when everyone is in weekend mode. It’s even better when it’s a fun, chill, partner workout with bench press as the skill
So....I like partner workouts!
What do you enjoy the most about CrossFit?
I love how CrossFit continues to push me out of my comfort zone every single day that I show up. I think it’s so easy to become complacent and stick to what we know, but with CrossFit I am constantly challenged to do better, get stronger and show myself what I am capable of. I love that every time I achieve one goal in CrossFit, there’s always another one waiting to be tackled.
Most recent achievement that you are proud of?
These days I’m just proud of myself for showing up to the gym consistently while juggling the many competing priorities of life. It’s not always easy to get there, but it’s always worth it.
What goals are you working towards right now?
My biggest goal right now is working on my strict pull ups. This is one of my weaker movements and I feel pretty confident that if I can improve these, the foundation will be there for me to improve on other movements….TTB perhaps?

What is your go to treat / meal?
I love to overdo something until I’m tired of it. Girl Guide cookies were my latest (thanks to the endless supply at the gym………) but right now I’m in Christmas mode, so every day includes an eggnog latte, after eight chocolates and a peppermint ice cream sandwich.
Maria, thank you for continuing to be such a strong member and supporter of our community! You’re always showing up to gym events, cheering on everyone else in the workouts, and always talking and getting to know new members. You’re always determined to reach your goals, and continue to set the bar higher for yourself. My favourite this past year was seeing how much stronger your Handstand Push-ups got, and seeing you fly through them in workouts as this skill got better and stronger. We’re excited to see you crush more of your goals and to also take on another Open this year ;) Third times’ a charm right!
Thank you again for being you! Be sure to give Maria a high five next time you see her in class!
Coach Tia