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Member of the Month: Dustin B!

Photo: Oscar Bravo!

Many of you have probably gotten to know Dustin, he is a newer member to our community, joining back in November in the Fundamentals program. Some of you have probably also figured out that he crushes the endurance parts of workouts! The coaching team has really noticed the hard work Dustin has put in and that he has trusted the process, and gotten comfortable in Fundamentals and now is a regular in our 5:15pm class. He is always willing to learn and takes coaching cues very well. He pushes hard each time, even if it’s a skill he is still learning, or if it has his strength in it, perhaps Running or Rowing, he’s trying to push all those around him and chase them down! Dustin always has a smile on his face, cheering those on around him, and shows hard work and persistence pays off. Keep up the great work Dustin.

Read below to learn more about him!

What is your background in Fitness/sport?

When I was younger I switched between many sports, I played soccer, volleyball, and basketball to name a few. When I moved to Victoria I was invited by a friend to join my school's rowing team and have been rowing since. Other than sports I enjoy doing hikes around the island such as the West Coast trail and Mt Albert Edwards. Currently I am rowing in the mornings, doing CrossFit in the evenings, and running on the weekends.

When did you start CrossFit/At Vic City?

I started at Vic City Crossfit back in November when it was getting too cold for rowing and the gyms were mostly all closed still. I was invited by my friend Graeme to join and start the intro classes as we both knew Kristjan from our time at rowing.

Favourite memories in the gym?

The Open was a lot of fun, it was my first competitive experience in a while and it was a blast to do even if it was a bit different due to the PHO at the time.

What is your favourite movement?

My favourite movement is the deadlift.

Least favourite?

Wall Balls, still trying to figure out the rhythm and get a good pace going, I'm sure one day I'll figure it out...

Favourite WOD or type?

My endurance background gives me a soft spot for workouts like Nurwor.

What do you enjoy the most about CrossFit?

I enjoy the variety that CrossFit provides, there is no single workout you can do to get good at CrossFit so you get to enjoy all the different parts of working out.

Most recent achievement that you are proud of?

A couple months ago I ran a sub 52 min 10k (something like 51:57, but it counts), which is a huge step compared to my times even from a year ago.

What goals are you working towards right now?

Currently I am trying to get more than 2 double unders in a set, break 300lbs on the deadlift, and run a sub 50min 10k.

Great job thus far at the gym Dustin! We are very excited to see you reach your goals and thank you for being such a positive impact on our community! Next time you see Dustin in the gym, be sure to give him a High Five (are these a thing yet?) and watch for him on those endurance workouts!

Coach Tia




6 single leg kb deadlift per side (light)

T rotation plank x 6/side

6 dowel dislocates


Deadlift 3-3-3-10-10-10

Rest 2 mins between sets.

Work the triples at 70-85%, depending on how heavy you have gone recently. Set the 10s at just above the weight you would use for the Diane workout (coming up next week). As a reference, that workout has a rep scheme of 21-15-9 deadlifts and hspu with an rx weight of 155/225.


Every 5 min for 25 min:

8 Handstand Push-ups

12 Front Squats, 115/75 lbs

16/12 Assault Bike Calories

Smooth and perfect on the hspu, clean the bar from the floor for unbroken front squats, and power through the bike!!

FG3: 65/95, scale ROM hspu FG2: 55/75, 3 wall walks sub for hspu FG1: bar only, wall walk hold 20 sec

CP1: double reps Kip OR 8 strict hspu, 95/135 CP2: double reps strict hspu, 105/155


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