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Member of the Month - Leah Mack

Leah and Sam ... fit friends for life!

Leah has been a part of our community since 2017, and since the moment she walked in the door, her smile was contagious to those around her. She lights up the room, with her presence, and it never goes unnoticed. She is always cheering on and supporting her fellow classmates, and has made some great relationships in the gym. This awesome Momma of two, is also a killer with a barbell! With a recent score of 2:20 Rx on Grace! As well as an awesome time in our last Push Week’s DT challenge, this mom is super strong, and a lot of us aspire to be just like her. As coaches we’ve always noticed her determination to learn new skills as well as never giving up on them. Watching her string together TTB for the first time, getting kipping pull-ups or CTB, and the pure excitement when she’s done it, is what it’s all about! Read more below to learn more about Leah. :)

What is your background in Fitness/sport?

Team sports, all day. I grew up playing them all… basketball, volleyball, soccer, baseball, field hockey and some not team based like track and field (but loved the 4x100 relay the most – I used to be fast, I swear). In highschool, I narrowed it down to basketball and volleyball and went to the Arctic Winter Games for Team Yukon in both sports. I think… If I had to pick, volleyball is my fave sport. Hard to pick one though.. As an adult, I play softball, golf, and my one true love, crossfit!

When did you start CrossFit/At Vic City?

I started CrossFit at Vic City, and I think it was 2017? I had at least one kid. Sam Doney convinced me to come out. Obviously, if I could be as fit as Sam, I was in!

Favourite memories in the gym?

I love any Open or fun competition! But I also love the routine day to day classes. I have jumped around between the early classes, some day times (mostly during mat leave) and the odd after work. There is nothing more bonding than showing up at the cold gym, in the dark, at 530 am though!

What is your favourite movement?

Something with the barbell, probably the clean and jerk, or an overhead squat!

Least favourite?

Thrusters. I am sorry, such a classic hated movement! I love STO, I love squats, I hate them together!

Favourite WOD or type?

I love a barbell workout – DT or Grace. I like chasing a clock, beating an old score!

What do you enjoy the most about CrossFit?

Definitely the people. The added fitness is a super bonus. I love how supportive everyone is, of everyone else. But you can still be competitive. It is a perfect mix of just the right push, without feeling too nervous!

Most recent achievement that you are proud of?

2:20 Grace! And recently strung three TTB in a row. And double unders, finally!

What goals are you working towards right now?

How much space do we have? Now that summer is over, I am making nutrition a major goal. And in the gym, I'm always looking to improve my endurance on longer WODS, CTB, and TTB..and I would be remiss to not mention using my legs more!!

Leah, you're a great example of hard work pays off, as well as having fun with your fitness and friends, whether that’s in the gym or out on the field with your friends. Being healthy and active is one thing, but enjoying it and making the most of your time is what it should all be about. Thank you for being such a strong member in our community and for continuing to brighten up the place with your awesome attitude! We can’t wait to see you crush your goals and cheer you on along the way.

Be sure to give Leah a “high five!” and good job next time you see her.

Coach Tia




Prone scorpions x 5/side

Cobra to childs pose x 5


EMOMs are almost always trickier than they seem... so plan on a moderate number of reps per station and aim to maintain your output through the rounds. Emphasize quality, this is not meant to be a crusher!

Rotate through the stations on an EMOM timer for 5 rounds (35 min):

Assault bike 10/16 cals

Hand Release Pushups 10/16 reps OR Handstand Pushups

American KB swing 10-16 reps

KB Goblet Reverse Lunge 10-16 reps

Strict pullups 5-8 reps OR Ring Rows 10-16 reps

Double unders 20-32 reps

V situps OR TTB 10-16 reps

5 rounds will be a beast of a workout, so factor that in when you are deciding how many reps and how much weight to do at each movement.


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