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Murph Recap!

Team, it was the perfect day to take on the Murph Challenge on Sunday morning. Warm but overcast, it wasn't the scorcher we were expecting, and the last group even got a sprinkling of rain! Three groups ran through the workout and did a whole variety of full and scaled versions of the workout.

Any way you cook it, Murph is a tough challenge. Any wod with that many reps of the same movement (bookended by longer runs) tends to get a bit mind numbing after a while. Add to that the stress of wearing a mask for some of the workout, and you have a recipe for a real fight of a wod.

We had 3 people take on Unpartitioned Murph with a vest - Coach Tia, Coach Phil, and Scott H. This is a beast version where you have to do all your pullups before moving on to pushups and then on to squats. There's a lot of muscular endurance tied in there, and the reps all in a row are pretty daunting. The trio came through very well, with Coach Phil managing to drop 10 minutes off his time in spite of tweaking a calf in the first mile!

We had several first timers with the Murph too - I believe Keith, Allie, Josh, Maris, Scott L., and Tamara(?) all took it on, braving the unknown and the occasional ripped hand! Just ask Josh how fun it is to do it on the Assault bike ;). Well done team!

Amy V and Cora threw down as well on the day, going hard on the runs and varying movements (but not reps!) as needed. Amy once again beat Coach Phil on time also so feather in her cap haha. Emily C chose Murph as her first wod back in a while and even wore a vest for the runs! Since Murph is kind of like a few workouts in one, she got her moneys worth in one day. Kim M had a beast of a workout planned (300 pullups and 300 squats with mile runs) and was doing very well before a hand rip put a damper on things but didn't stop her from modifying and completing the workout.

Kiel and Sam Horan popped in together for a workout, which I'm sure is a rare occurrence these days with one baby girl and another on the way! It was great to see them both take on the full volume Murph without vests ... although Sam had a built in weight vest baby bump to contend with!

We had some satellite Murphs take place too - Rich and Geoffrey L each did versions of the workout from home gyms, which I think takes a little bit extra motivation! Well done lads. Megan P also took on the wod but on Saturday morning, putting in a strong time.

Michelle and Breton and Jaclyn and Tash took on the partner version of Murph (alternating 400's then alternating rounds of Cindy) and showed great commitment to quality reps. I was super impressed by both Jaclyn and Tash's movement standards today, especially their pushups, staying true to the standard all the way through.

Lastly, there was a battle amongst Cara, Stephen, Matty, Ryan (visitor), Coach Andy, and Cam with the partitioned Murph with vests. There were some strong runs and a variety of strategies for splitting up the reps, with Andy and Cam opting to do the full workout outside on Cam's pullup rig (that exists year round in his yard at home)... thus avoiding the dreaded mask inside! It was a good race throughout and solid times were laid down all round.

All in all, we raised a good chunk of money for Soldier On also. We were just shy of $600 raised, which will be paid by the gym as a lump sum to Soldier On. Thank you all so much for your generous donations and for your efforts in honoring Lt Michael Murphy.

It was a fun day and one that reminded me of the "pre-Covid" times of hanging out with your workout buddies and taking on a tough challenge. Lots of great outside chats were had before and after the event (socially distanced of course), and just showed how the box can really bring people together. I'm really looking forward to more of this in the (near) future, both at events through the summer and when we get fully back into classes sans masks.

Well done all, and if I have forgotten anyone, please let me know!!

We'll do it all again next year, so you can look forward to that too ;)

Coach Cam



*We are back on full classes so be prepared to work with the group on the planned training for the day. Open gym is available for Unlimited members on Tues and Thurs at 930am and 630pm and for all members on Saturday afternoons/evenings.


x 3 rounds

10 plate floor to overheads

2 samson lunges

10 barbell rows

2 leg up and overs (hip stretch) per side

WOD: EMOM Rotations

Alt EMOM 30 mins:

Every 1 min for 30 mins, alternating between:

4 Push Press (OR PUSH JERK)

8 Hang Squat Cleans

12 Box Jumps

16 V-up Sit-ups

Double Under, 30 secs

Rest 1 min

Scale weights as needed, goal is to make the push press (can be PUSH JERK) and hang squat cleans towards the heavy end (use same weight for both). Can sub in TTB or GHD for the V-ups if you like, just cut the reps down as needed!


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