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New Covid Guidelines... Preliminary Info!

Yes, once again, you will be able to see Mikey Dubs and Tom's handsome faces in their entirety! PC: Oscar Bravo


It's been an age with these Covid restrictions! Yes they kept us safe, and they prevented not only Covid but also regular coughs, colds, and flu attacks... but just as surely, they tested our resolve when it came to training.

You all endured through "individual training", masks inside, low intensity versus high intensity guidelines, and an overall decrease in the community side of the CrossFit experience. And now... there is light at the end of the tunnel!

Starting July 1, masks are no longer mandated inside. Class size and rigid social distancing guidelines will be lifted, and yes, we will be returning to a much more familiar training environment. That doesn't mean that we don't need to be careful or that everything will immediately return to pre-pandemic conditions. In fact, I think the pandemic has taught us some useful lessons in terms of class flow and size, individual stations, and better sanitization practices.

On Thursday, you'll receive an email from us (and there will be an accompanying blog post) about what our in-gym policies will be starting next week. Masks will be optional starting July 1, but we will keep our class capacities the same until Monday July 5. There will be many more adjustments to our procedures, so stay tuned for that email and blog!

Thank you for your patience and understanding, and I look forward to seeing your WHOLE face sometime soon!





30 single skips

2/side samson lunges (hold stretch for 2 sec)

6 barbell single leg RDL per side

8 barbell push press

10 barbell rows

WODS: Fast and furious... warm up very well to execute a quick but tough 3 rounder for each one. Get sufficient rest between wods so that you can attack 100%. Note the scaling options, if you are strong at these movemetns, bump up the weight and reps.

If you are in between scalings, try to mix and match (i.e. 4 ctb + 6 regular pullups per round)

WOD 1:

3 rounds for time of:

10 Toes-to-bars

8 Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs

6 Lateral Burpee Over Bars

WOD 2:

3 rounds for time of:

10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

15 Deadlifts, 135/95 lbs

6 Lateral Burpee Over Bars

Scaling for both:

FG3: 75/115, reg pullups

FG2: 55-65/75-95, assisted pullups, hanging knee raise

FG1: scale as needed

CP1: Add 4 reps to every exercise (i.e. wod 1 = 14 ttb, 12 pc, 10 burpees)

CP2: 115/165, same rep scheme as for CP1


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