New Covid Policies!

Bill getting in some Overhead reps! PC: Oscar Bravo
Team, as mentioned before, we've moved into a new phase in the province, which also means a new phase of our in-gym policies... and we're excited that we get to move back towards our regular Vic City environment!
Here are the details of what we'll be doing going forwards for the short term in the gym:
Class sign ups, schedule, and capacities
The sign up procedure for classes will remain the same, but we will be increasing capacity to 12 people as of Monday July 5! That means 4 people on the small rig, 6 on the big rig, and 2 on the movable squat racks. We are keeping the same schedule for now, but will be assessing how busy classes are and making adjustments as needed.
We will continue to clean barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells etc however we are dropping the need to clean your weight plates. You will have a spray bottle and towel for each class as per usual.
Masks & Social Distancing
Masks are now optional inside the gym, however if you cannot maintain distance from another member (e.g. spotting) OR if you have ANY symptoms of cold or flu, you must wear a mask. We ask that you continue to be aware of social distancing, especially when breathing heavily.
Also, everyone's individual risk tolerance and living situation is different, so please respect others who wish to continue to wear masks.
Rowing machines and assault bikes
We will continue to use the assault bikes outside however rowing can now be done either inside or outside
Equipment and Partner workouts
We are recalling ALL equipment that is currently out for rental, with the exception of members who are attending online classes with Coach Heather. Please bring back (or coordinate for pickup by us) any equipment that you have on lease by Friday July 9.
You will still have your own equipment at your station, including bars, plates, and collars. We will do partner workouts but you will each have your own equipment (i.e. not sharing unless you are in the same bubble).
That's pretty much it. Masks are optional, so by all means, continue to wear a mask if you deem it appropriate! WoDs will be able to be done inside the gym, outside, or a combo of the two. Please also continue to wash your hands, use the hand sanitizer we have available, and be wary still of maintaining distance.
See you soon!
WARM UP: 3 rounds -
3/side squat and reach
5 pushups
7 double crunch
9 floor to overheads with a plate
SKILL: BACK SQUAT 3 reps E90S for 10 rounds @ 75% of your 3rm from last week!
You may use less or more than 75% of that, but keep them smooth, fast, and powerful!
WOD: Long Weekend Daze
For time: Assault Bike, 2400/1800 m -- then -- 4 rounds of: 7 Power Snatches, 115/75 lbs 14 Box Jumps, 24/20 in 21 Wallballs, 20/14 lbs
Pace the bike to not burn too much energy... you'll need juice in the legs for the wod!
FG3: 65/95
FG2: 45-55/65-75, bike distance 1800/1200
FG1: scale as needed
CP1: 135/95
CP2: 155/105, heavy wallball