Open WOD format and Schedule Changes!

Coach Dub getting after it! Photo: Oscar Bravo
Hello team!
Lots of important updates for the Open which starts on MARCH 11! You have until March 14 to sign up but better do it now at !
First thing is that we will be doing ALL 4 weeks of the Open in class and for our Intramural competition. This includes the first three weeks of the official Open, a 1 week rest, then the final "Quarterfinal" week of the Open... so all the schedule notes below apply to the full dates between March 8 and April 13.
Each weeks event(s) are released at 5pm PST on Thursdays. You can watch the live announcement at the website and see two or more athletes take on the events of the week.
You have until each Monday at 5pm to complete the workouts with a judge or video, AND submit them yourself to the website. Affiliates have until Wednesday at 5pm to validate scores, so if yours doesn't show up right away, don't fret!
Common errors: not recording tie break times, forgetting to fill out the top and bottom of scoresheets (which we will provide), not getting your judges name.
Each week may have 1 or more events and you can do the workouts as many times as you like, however if you value your sanity and your body, keep it at a maximum of 2 attempts, or even just one and done!
Each athlete in the official Open will need to have their workout judged by another member in our gym. That judge's job is to make sure you adhere to the range of motion standards (i.e. squatting deep enough, chin over bar for pullups, etc) as well as keeping track of your reps. They are NOT there to give you "bro" reps, so please be objective as a judge and understanding as an athlete!
If you have a chance to make it to the Quarterfinal round, you will need a judge that has completed the CROSSFIT JUDGES COURSE as well as A VIDEO OF EACH OPEN EVENT.
The judges course is actually really good to take as a member or athlete to get to know the movement standards that are expected and how to accurately count reps. All of our main coaching crew will have taken the Judges course so will be there as a resource and to help judge athletes with potential to move on.
Guidelines for video submissions can be found in the description of each wod each week but for each one, you'll need to announce your name, show any weights or measurements for implements, and keep one continuous shot with the clock in frame. Many athletes use the WODproof app to record their workouts as it has a built in timer and is the standard for many online competitions. Usually, only one of the events is requested, and you usually also have the opportunity to re-do an Open wod with a video in the week after the Open, but better to be prepared not to do that!
We will run the Open workout in class Friday and Saturday. Ideally, we will split the class up so that the first half of the class is "group 1" doing the workout while "group 2" acts as judges. Then we flip.
In the likely event of a longer workout (say 18-20min +) we will still have you sign up for the class time you want, with the expectation that classes will run a bit long and it will be more of a "rolling" start to each group doing the workout. In this scenario, be prepared to do a solo warm up and sign up for a WOD time on the whiteboard that we will place by the bathrooms.
You will also be able to use Open Gym time on Saturdays to complete the workout(s), just make sure to connect with a wod buddy so that you have a judge for sure when you come in. We will also be changing the Sunday class session to Open Gym, so that you can work on skills, redo the wod, or just roll out and cheer people on.
During the Open, weightlifting class on Tuesday will run as normal (930am and 630pm) but we will change Gymnastics class (Thursdays 930am & 630pm) to Open gym time. We will be cutting the Thursday 745pm Open Gym during the Open.
As mentioned above, we will be doing all 4 weeks of the Open (regular Open and Quarterfinals) for our Intramural competition. You do NOT have to be registered for the official Open to compete!
Each week on Thursday night I will post a link to a google form on our blog post ( that will be your official score entry for that week. You will need to submit your score by 5pm on Mondays, but it's best to put it in right after you finish!
Scaled, Masters (35+), Rx, and Rookie (first Open) scores all count towards your team's total, so no matter what your experience level, put in your numbers to try to help out your team!! At the moment, there are a total of 16 possible scores each week for each team, which may be adjusted depending on participation numbers.
This should be a really fun way to bump up the excitement around the Open, so be sure to wear your team colors if you can and put your best effort forwards! Any questions? Just ask your team captain or any veteran of the CrossFit Open (hint: we have some people who have done all of them!!)
See you soon,
WARM UP: 3 rounds
3/side cossack squat, 3 inchworms, 5 pushup, 5 double crunch
This is basically two long intervals of work, well at least hopefully they are intervals! Do the work as quickly as you can, rest until 14 minutes, then repeat! Although this is technically an "emom" format, record the combined time in the notes section in BTWB.
Every 14 mins for 28 mins do:
20 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
30 Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35 lbs
20 Burpee Toes-to-bars (for Rx, you must jump to your bar)
30 Single Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks, 50/35 lbs
Rest whatever time you have left in the 14 min. aim to be smooth enough that your times for the two intervals are about the same!
FG3: bar within standing reach for burpee ttb, regular pullups
FG2: DB weight 20-25/35-40, burpee to hanging knee raise
FG1: Scale db as needed, jumping pullups, burpee hanging knee raise
CP1: 10 bar MU, 40 db snatch and DB hcJ
Tabata Push-up (hand release)
Tabata Sit Up
The Tabata interval is 20 secs of work followed by 10 secs of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.
Alternate intervals of pushups and situps (double crunch OR abmat situps)